Thursday, September 16, 2010

10 Steps to Cleaner Air

Eliot Windmills by Shannon AldrichEvery time we drive to work or school, use our heating system or air conditioners, clean our windows, or even style our hair, we make choices that affect air pollution. Here are ten steps we can all do to reduce air pollution.

1. Walk or ride a bike. When looking for a new home - look closer to work so that you might be able to do this. You might consider a smaller home in a closer location. At the very least it will reduce your car travel. I love the fact that I can walk to my office and do it often.

2. Share a ride or use public transportation. Here in Portsmouth we do have the trolley systems and Coast buses.

3. Combine errands for fewer trips. It will also give you more time to other fun things.

4. Keep your car well maintained, with tires properly inflated. When buying a new to you car - really look at the gas mileage. Do you really need a truck (are you a farmer?) that only gets 15 mpg and all you do is city driving?

5. Avoid idling in your car. Don't sit there with the a/c running as you look at the ocean. How about opening the windows instead.

6. Turn off lights, computers & TVs when not in use. I have my hair dryer, curling iron and mirror on a power strip. When not in use I turn them all off by the power strip. I also keep my microwave unplugged when not in use.

7. Use energy-efficient light bulbs and appliances. Appliances all come with energy star ratings these days.

8. Run dishwashers and washing machines only when full. And use cold water when washing the clothes.

9. Choose environmentally friendly consumer products and cleaners. Or make your own. It is amazing what you can do with products like baking soda, vinegar and bleach.

10. Make and live the motto - Reduce, reuse, recycle!

Let's all do our share for cleaner air. We only have one planet - Let's keep it around for generations to come.

(c) Shannon Aldrich, Keller Williams Coastal Realty Portsmouth NH

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Shannon Aldrich
Keller Williams Coastal Realty
Portsmouth, NH

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